AMS Blog
Nutrition myths
"Debunking myths, revealing truths: Your trusted guide to nutrition."
"Welcome to the world of nutrition demystified, where we explore the most entrenched myths and reveal the truth behind them. In this space, we'll challenge common dietary beliefs and respond with solid, expert evidence. From whether breakfast really is the most important meal of the day to whether carbohydrates are diet friend or foe, our goal is to provide you with clear, science-based information so you can make informed decisions about your health and wellness. Get ready to separate fact from fiction as we unravel the myths in nutrition."

The following are the 10 most prominent nutrition myths.
1. Does water with lemon on an empty stomach burn body fat?
Lemon water is an excellent choice as a refreshing drink, but it does not burn fat. Moreover, too much may even damage tooth enamel and adversely affect the pH of the stomach.

2. Is eating fruit at night fattening?
Fruit is healthy no matter when you eat it. It is a great food group that in addition to providing a variety of vitamins and minerals, are rich in fiber. To gain weight, you must be in a caloric surplus, so the timing of fruit consumption is not the reason for this increase. It will always be necessary to take into account the context of each individual, there are situations in which scheduling the timing of fruit consumption will be interesting and others in which it will not affect the overall state of health.

3. Do not eat more than 3-4 eggs per week.
Up to 7 eggs per week can be consumed. The fat in eggs is healthy fat; although it is categorized as a protein food, and one of the most complete.

4. Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
However, as with everything, there are contexts. There will be situations in which it is considered advisable to add this dietary guideline.

5. Do we have to eat 5 times a day?
There is no exact number of times to eat per day, nor is it the same for everyone. You should eat the times that fit your schedule/lifestyle, and that allow you to arrive without anxiety to the next meal, allow you to have enough energy and without forcing yourself to do more guidelines than what your body asks you to do.

6. Is freshly squeezed juice healthier?
When fruit is squeezed for juice, the matrix/fiber present in the fruit is removed and we are left with only the sugar present in the fruit. This quickly raises blood sugar and can cause blood glucose spikes. In addition, its caloric content can be multiplied by 3 times, since only 1 orange is not used. Would you be able to eat 3-4 oranges in one sitting? Therefore, always prioritize whole fruit.

7. Are gluten-free/lactose-free foods healthier?
If these foods are not consumed, the body may become transiently intolerant because it stops producing the enzyme necessary for their degradation. Therefore, stopping consumption for no explicit reason can lead to long-term detrimental effects. In addition, dairy products are an excellent source of proteins, vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and vitamin D,

8. Can 0.0 products be consumed freely?
Note. There are two things to keep in mind with this, the first being that we must accustom the palate to the real taste of the food. If we abuse sweetened foods, we are stimulating the sweet taste in our taste buds. That is to say, we cannot get used to the real taste of food. On the other hand, as they are acaloric because they are not absorbed in the intestine, abusing them could lead to the appearance of gastrointestinal discomfort.

9. Is drinking a glass of wine a day healthy?
No alcohol consumption is healthy. It is true that polyphenols are found in wine, but the quantity in which they are found in what would be a serving of wine is so low that it is not enough to produce its beneficial effect. In addition to this, it contains alcohol, which is toxic for the organism. On the other hand, there are many other foods that provide us with greater quantities of polyphenols as well as other beneficial substances.

10. Does soy produce cancer?
Soy is a protective food against a variety of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, decreases risk of weight gain, can improve bone health and some menopausal symptoms. This is because this food is rich in quality proteins, unsaturated fats, micronutrients, biocompounds and fiber.

AMS Recommendation
"At AMS Exercise Medical Center, we understand that reaching your health goals is not just about what you eat, but also how you move. Our nutrition and dietetics programs are designed to provide you with expert, personalized guidance to optimize your nutrition and achieve your best self. But we don't stop there. With Nuaf, our innovative program that combines nutrition and exercise, we take your wellness to the next level. Imagine a holistic approach where nutrition and exercise merge to boost your results. From balanced meal planning to workouts designed specifically for you, the Nuaf Program gives you all the tools you need to transform your body and your life. At AMS, we not only help you reach your goals effectively, but we support you every step of the way. Join us on this journey to optimal health and discover how the perfect combination of nutrition and exercise can transform your life forever. Your best version of yourself awaits you at AMS Medical Exercise Center!


C. Guadalete, s/n, local 9-A, 29603 Marbella, Málaga.

Edificio Playa del Ángel, Av. Litoral, 53, 29680, Málaga
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